Friday, February 12, 2010

Message Newly Wedding What Price Would You Place To Declare Your Love?

What price would you place to declare your love? - message newly wedding

Just wondering if anyone has noticed this sign at the Federal Highway Research Institute, KL (Angkasapuri outside) with a young couple named Janan & Zoe "with the message of love, thank you.
Apparently the friend was a ridiculous amount to get his message through his girlfriend. The question here is ... Do you think that the money spent worth it: the couple is looking?
And not long ago, a flower shop has a huge heart in the form of 999 days received roses from her boyfriend, Valentine's Day! (if I'm wrong)
Are these "gestures" overrated Romance / Romantic / a waste of money and time?


ng said...

Respect and appreciate your partner certainly cost more than anything else! In this way, to show that love is stupid and a waste of money, even if you're rich enough. Love is worthless, and without condition, willing to sacrifice [money] and to sacrifice everything we can to protect and take care of his only love!

kzzxguy said...

I like to humiliate it and get to .. simple and somewhat mysterious

inspecti... said...

This expenditure of large sums in the novel is not stupid ... Many people who live without love would rather their money in the novel a new Porsche or spend another. A donation of 999 roses is not as expensive as you can imagine, either. It may cost a few hundred dollars is all. I think it's nice to go to sea by a member of the maintenance plan.

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