Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Are Gay Men More Likely To Contract Hiv Why Are Gay Men More Likely To Get Aids?

Why are gay men more likely to get aids? - why are gay men more likely to contract hiv

I'm curious why gay men are more likely infected with HIV by heterosexual couples. Is there something about gay sex that causes the disease? Is it just a coincidence?


ieguy said...

It is a myth that began in the U.S., because here in the 80 years that the first city to have been exposed to HIV male homosexuals. Sure, the spread of the virus in this community, as it was then an unknown quantity. However, Japan was more common in the gay community, passed on a lot of companies who visited prostitutes, and others. In other countries, HIV infection (AIDS) is primarily a disease found in the non-gay (heterosexual) men, because they begin from the virus. AIDS is a disease caused by a virus that the immune system no longer causes.

A gay person may or may not be exposed to the virus. If not, then there is no way this person the virus is transmitted to another person, no matter what sexual activities they enjoy. Likewise, a gay person may or may not be exposed to the virus. If not, under any circumstances to transfer the virus to another person again, no matter what sexual activities they enjoy.

The problem is - right, not gay, gay, or anything else - has been exposed?This can be found by testing.

So to answer your question specifically. There is nothing in homosexual activities, which causes the disease, since nothing is on the direct treatment of the cause. It's just a virus that is transferred.

oprah said...

i dont kno if sweety. uh ... how is it that .....

oprah said...

i dont kno if sweety. uh ... how is it that .....

Dina said...

Anal bleeding more

doobee19... said...

Have gays, because men have more sexual partners proved -.

spookyki... said...

For anal sex, yes. The lining of the rectum is very, very thin and can break easily, paving the way into the bloodstream. This allows the HIV virus to easily enter the body.

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